
"I contacted Jeannie when I was 38 weeks pregnant about her doula services after having a conversation with a friend who said "doulas are worth their weight in gold." My friend couldn't have been more right! Although I only had the chance to work with Jeannie for the final 2.5 weeks of my pregnancy, I firmly believe she is the reason I was able to ultimately have a successful VBAC. Without her support during labor with very intense back pain, I'm certain I wouldn't have labored at home as long as I did and that the hospital would have insisted on a c-section. My biggest hope was to have a VBAC after having a horrible experience with an emergency c-section with my first daughter. My motivation was simple - my beautiful two-year-old Ella who is very active and needs me to be able to actively play with and care for her at this age. Early on, Jeannie asked me how motivated I was to have a VBAC on a scale of 1 to 10, and my answer was an 11. During the 2.5 weeks that I got to work with Jeannie pre-delivery, she was absolutely amazing. She provided me with many tools, data, and resources to read, review, and think about. I was incredibly stressed for those 2.5 weeks and tried everything Jeannie suggested to induce labor, because without going into labor on my own, I knew I would be forced to have a c-section. Jeannie provided incredible emotional and mental support and encouragement to me--she said to call anytime I was stressed and would help me work through things. She texted me often to check in, and I can't express how necessary that was for my own sanity during that period of time. When I was stressed, Jeannie would talk me back into a state of relaxation and provide positive affirmations that would help me calm down. When I finally went into labor, I had terribly intense back labor which hurt through the 12 hours I labored at home. I was expecting intensity from contractions with rest in between, but I didn't get that rest due to the back pain. Jeannie came to my house when I needed her and worked with my husband and I to help provide comfort and ease some of the pain I was experiencing. She had a variety of positions and things we tried to help me through early labor and as my labor progressed. When we went to the hospital, Jeannie was an incredible emotional support. Baby was having heart decelerations which were terrifying, and Jeannie was there to remind me to go to my happy place in my mind and to relax my body. When the hospital staff kept threatening a c-section, Jeannie continued to encourage and support me with words and affirmations, and when it was time to push, Jeannie captured the most beautiful photos of my daughter being born. Although my time with Jeannie was short, it was 1000% worth it. Jeannie's encouragement, support, wisdom, and positivity were vital to my successful VBAC. If you are looking for an amazing doula to support you through childbirth, I would highly, highly recommend reaching out to Jeannie - she is simply the best and my heart will be forever full of gratitude to her for helping me achieve my successful VBAC. "

— Tacey

“Jean and I clicked immediately. She was very helpful at our prenatal visits in guiding me to develop a birth plan and helped me learn about different resources. During labor, she was encouraging and knowledgeable. She worked so well with my partner (who was a little skeptical at first) and my providers. I felt empowered and respected. I did not have a doula for my first birth and I can say, it makes a world of difference! My birth experience was so amazing and I highly recommend working with Jean! "

— Meg

In honor of our daughter’s due date I could never put into words how eternally grateful I am for my doula, Jeannie, but here’s a shot (and no this is not an ad just a genuine review of pure thankfulness): If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, hire my doula! If you’re currently pregnant, hire my doula! In your 4th Trimester, hire my doula! Hospital Birth, hire my doula! Birthing Center Birth, hire my doula! Home Birth, hire my doula! I would have never been able to birth my daughter naturally without my doula! Jeannie took the time to get to know us, despite being a late transfer to the birthing center and obtaining her services well into our third trimester! She educated, planned, and supported us in an exceptional way but here’s the main reason! My confidence disappeared, my fear took over, my faith was questionable, my known calmness under stress was no where to be found, and my brain checked out completely birthing our daughter! My doula knew my birth plan inside and out, honored my desires when I couldn’t, advocated for me when speaking wasn’t an option and got me through the most powerfully intense moments of my life! She assisted in the best way of bringing my daughter Earth side because she was my confidence, my strength, my faith, my motivator, my encouragement, my advocate, my support and even when I wanted to give up and give in she got me through! Oh and did I mention she checked in me constantly despite having early labor for TWELVE days, yes contractions for that long, amazing right! My husband and I are forever grateful for your service and know that God placed you with us for our birth for these specific reasons and more! You’re such a beautiful, calm, loving, supportive, nurturing, educated, and blessed doula that literally gave me my redemption birth! Without you, my birth would have looked so different and I am thankful that you are a part of our daughter’s birth story!
— Anyiese

“I will be eternally grateful for the love and support I received from Jeannie during my pregnancy and labor of my second baby. She is so passionate about educating her clients on the topic of informed consent. I learned so much about how to advocate for myself through Jeannie’s guidance. I truly had no idea what exactly our rights are let alone choices we have during pregnancy and birth. I had previously assumed there was only one way based on the protocol at my OB’s office as well as at the hospital. The information Jeannie shared with me was so empowering and left a lasting impression on me. Because of the information Jeannie shared with me, I decided to switch from a second cesarean to a vbac. It resulted in being able to have a total redemption birth after a traumatic and unplanned cesarean with my first. My vbac had some unexpected twists and turns and I know that without Jeannie there I would not have been in the right mind space to remain so calm and connect with my body and breath. I will never forget the euphoric feeling of delivering my baby girl in such a peaceful and beautiful setting. The setting was entirely different than the rushed and loud environment at a hospital. I will always remember the beautifully curated music in the background, the oils to breathe in at just the right time, the nourishment she provided for my body when I was feeling weak through water and honey sticks and the quiet voice in my ear telling me all the things I needed to hear to tap into my inner goddess birthing body. Jeannie possesses such a natural ability to comfort a laboring mama. She also is so helpful with counter pressure compresses and positions to help guide baby along. Wow - it helped so much and not something my husband or midwife would have done. She knew exactly what to do or say the entire time while also involving my husband so that he never felt left out. I could not recommend Jeannie and the role of a doula enough!"

— Alicia

I’m a single mom of two older kiddos 9 and almost 8. So when I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant it made me feel every singular emotion for essentially the entire nine months of pregnancy. I went through three different OBs before landing on the midwife who helped deliver my little in home. Throughout my care with her she encouraged me to hire some doulas. The father and I weren’t together but he existed and was still planning to be an active participant in the Littles life. However emotionally and physically, I had no one to help me when labor inevitably would find me. I’d never done a home birth. My first two were induced hospital births. I didn’t know or even believe that my body could do it on its own. Well. Fast forward to a month before my due date. I called the doula my midwife told me to contact. This doula then posted my number for other doulas to contact me. I had a few message me but then there was Jeannie. She text me initially then asked to call. We talked for a small while on the phone and she said she had a partner Nichole and they’d love to meet me. During that few minutes of talking on the phone I could feel it in every part of my being that I had found my doula. We met a few times before the birth and they text me throughout. Giving me tips and strategies and eased any concerns I may have had. I was 41 weeks exactly when I started having some contractions. Again, I’ve never been in natural labor on my own, I’d always been induced. To me I was fine. However, my midwife’s told me to tell my doulas to head over to my house. Jeannie got there first. She immediately had me get into different positions throughout my room to help me through my contractions. All while my mind kept wanting to do other things like go downstairs and help my friend with my kids or make the bed or finish writing the essay I had due that night. My body was telling me to slow down but my brain wouldn’t shut off. Then Jeannie had me breathe intentionally letting out low purposeful tones with each contraction while she applied counter pressure to my back during the back labor I was having. With each intentional breath my brain slowed and I began moving into my body and allowing it to do what it was supposed to do: prepare to have my baby. I don’t remember much at all from that evening. It all happened so fast. Start of labor to having my baby was all about three hours. But the humans that I remember most was Jeannie and Nichole. Jeannie was there first to help me through the contractions, then in the end as I was getting stitched Nichole sat close by in a chair if I needed her. I had been alone mentally those nine months. Telling myself I could birth this baby on my own. I didn’t need support. But then, by a series of events, I was led to the two women who held and supported me through the very fast and intense process that led me to bringing my little one earth side. You see, doulas aren’t just another person in the room. They are your advocates, your strength, your clarity, and an extension of your being during your most vulnerable moments of existing. I’m honored to have had two incredible humans clear space in their lives to simply and profoundly exist for me and my needs during such a significant moment in my life. So if you’re like me, thinking you can do it all on your own because you’re fiercely independent and don’t love the idea of having someone help you, I’m here to tell you that you most certainly can go that route. Or, you can do what I did and release the holds your brain has on you and let humans in to carry you for just a small moment in time to allow the life you’re bringing forth a safe and comforting arrival. My body had been preparing for nine months to bring this soul to me; yet in the moments leading up to her arrival, my brain kept telling me “no it isn’t time, you can still be doing other things. You have so much to do. Don’t stop. Work through these contractions.” I needed my doulas to slow down my brain to let my body do what it was designed to do. Bring that baby into my arms safely. And that’s exactly what happened.
