Hello friend!

Hi, I’m Jeannie! Masters level pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) turned doula & birth photographer. Helping women find their voice in pregnancy and birth.

  • My journey to motherhood started in childhood, I always knew I was meant to be a mother, and couldn’t wait. I also knew I wanted to help people in whatever I did in life.

  • I received my Master of Science degree from Northern Arizona University in Clinical Speech-Language Pathology and have worked with children since I’ve been working.

  • Mother to two amazing daughters (and expecting one more this fall) and married to the most supportive husband in the world. I am so grateful for my family and couldn’t love them more. They are my everything.

  • Our journey to parenthood began with years of unexplained infertility and working with a fertility doctor. I understand how hard the wait is, and how much of a gift each pregnancy is. When we were finally blessed with my first, her pregnancy ended with a cesarean due to medical reasons, where I needed to be put under general anesthesia. It was very traumatic for me, and I felt I didn’t have a voice and my wishes were not heard. I also relate to those currently pregnant after infertility or loss, I’ve been in your shoes. We lost a baby at the beginning of 2020, just before my second daughter (my sweet rainbow and VBAC baby).

  • A dear friend, who was told her pelvis was too small (the reason for her c-section with her first), gave me the honor of assisting her through her pregnancy and unmedicated VBAC birth, as her doula. After her birth, nothing in my life had been more clear than to answer my calling as a birth doula and birth keeper.

  • My whole heart is in this work, I care deeply for you and your growing family. Currently only taking 2 births per month, in order to offer the highest quality care.

Nichole Pach Photography

“A woman in birth is at once her most POWERFUL and most VULNERABLE.”

— Marcie Macari

This is YOUR birth. Choose a team that will support your wishes, and comfort and encourage you during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I would love to support you on this journey.

Sunsets on the beach
Just a few of my

Favorite Things


“I will be eternally grateful for the love and support I received from Jeannie during my pregnancy and labor of my second baby. She is so passionate about educating her clients on the topic of informed consent. I learned so much about how to advocate for myself through Jeannie’s guidance.”

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