Doula Jean

Birth is unpredictable, and each one is unique. You deserve to feel confident in each of your decisions, and have the support team who will honor your wishes. Birth doesn’t always go as “planned”, but can be empowering, with you always in control of decisions.

Whatever you’ve been through up to this point in your life, you’re here, you’re growing life, and you deserve to feel like a Queen during your pregnancy and birth.

I’m here to help you understand your options, to navigate the way to the birth you desire.


“Why not trust your instincts more than your fears?”

ABOUT Doula Jean

Certified birth keeper and doula in Phoenix, Arizona. After over a decade as a Speech-language pathologist helping children find their way with words, I have found a second calling in birth work. I love nothing more than helping women find their voices during pregnancy and birth. Feeling educated and empowered with each decision you make, trusting YOUR intuition.

My Services

BIrth Doula

As your birth doula, I work for you and only you. My role is to support you, as a non-medical person; through pregnancy, labor and birth. I’m here to hold space for you to trust your instincts and knowledge to birth your baby.

Birth Doula & photography package

Want beautiful documentation of your birth? I also offer birth photography, currently at a discounted rate!

Other offerings

Client library, endless handouts and information, development of a personalized blueprint (plan) for your birth, personalized essential oil roller for labor, access to The Birth Sling, rebozo, massage and emotional, physical and educational support throughout pregnancy and birth.



Hi, I’m Jeannie! I’m a Mom of three, and married to the man of my dreams. I’m an AZ native, only left for a couple years to live in Chicago (that time will always hold a special place in my heart). I’m a masters level Speech-Language Pathologist, and love nothing more than helping children find their way with words. My own birth experiences have called me to this work. Now, I help women find their voices and wisdom in pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood. I love each of my professions with my whole heart, helping others is my everything.


Image captured by

Nichole Pach Photo

My Process

THe Consultation

Complimentary 30 minute zoom conversation, to ensure we are a good fit!

prenatal support

1-2 prenatal appointments to develop your personalized birth blueprint/ plan (as we can’t ever perfectly “plan” birth, but knowing options always helps), unlimited text, email phone support, and equipping you with all the tools necessary to ensure your birth experience is positive.

Your labor & birth

I will be on-call from week 38 in pregnancy, there for you with unlimited text and call support. In-person support as labor progresses until up to 2 hours after you meet your little one. I also offer one postpartum visit 1-2 weeks after birth.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

— Albert Einstein


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